Search results for " XDR-50 bioreactor"

Article Stirring up the fermentation game
Microbial fermentation in single-use Xcellerex™ XDR-50 MO fermentor system This application note describes the performance of a single-use Xcellerex XDR-50 bioreactor system when used in culti…

Article E. coli growth and Dab expression in single-use and stainless steel fermentors
This application note describes the performance of the Xcellerex™ single-use XDR-50 MO stirred-tank fermentor in an E. coli domain antibody (Dab) production process  developed for a stainless steel …

Article Designing a 1.5 L Bench-Scale Model of a Perfusion Process
Establishing an appropriate model allows for higher throughput during simultaneous operation and monitoring of several cultures at different process conditions. In this article, we discus…